Among Webs and Soaring Heights: Amazing Secrets of Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Welcome to the city that never sleeps, web-slinging explorers! Immerse yourself in the thrilling universe of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 as we unravel fascinating tidbits that make this game a true masterpiece.

Expanded Universe

Discover a New York that stretches twice the size compared to its predecessor, Miles Morales. The city awaits with mysteries and challenges at every corner.

Acrobatic Flights

Experience the freedom of movement with new mechanics that allow you to soar through the skies of New York in incredible ways. Spider-Man 2 invites you to explore the city from heights never before imagined.

Two Heroes, One Choice

At any moment, you can switch between Miles Morales and Peter Parker. Do you prefer the speed and agility of Morales or the seasoned experience of Parker? The choice is yours!

Customized Missions

Dive into missions specifically designed for each hero. Additionally, face shared challenges where you decide who takes on the mantle of Spider-Man in the mission. Morales or Parker?

Triphasic Skill Tree

Power up your Spider-Man with a skill tree divided into three. Tailor your gameplay and unlock unique abilities for each hero, taking your skills to the next level.

Love in the Air

In a surprising turn of events, during development, a fan named Tyler Schulz managed to include a marriage proposal within the game. Discover how the magic of Spider-Man goes beyond webs and action.