Explore the Curiosities of Apex Legends: Revealed Secrets from the Battle Games World

From the dark origins of its characters to the hidden secrets within its maps, Apex Legends continues to surprise players with its rich history and clever details. Discover this universe of thrilling battles and fascinating curiosities!

Bloodhound's Origins

 Did you know that the enigmatic technological tracker of Apex Legends, Bloodhound, was on the verge of being part of Titanfall 2? Their design was inspired by conceptual art originally conceived for that game. This curious connection between the two titles adds a fascinating background to one of Apex's most iconic characters.
The Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster

 Respawn Entertainment is known for hiding surprises in its games, and Apex Legends is no exception. Within the game, up to ten tiny figures of the famous Loch Ness Monster await discovery. The special touch? If you manage to shoot them in a specific order, a life-sized Nessie materializes on the map! This fun and mysterious quest has kept players engaged and entertained.
Skills Rescued from Titanfall 2

 Ever wondered where some of the most emblematic skills of Apex Legends come from? Turns out, many of them were directly rescued from Titanfall 2. From pilot abilities to varied weaponry, elements that once populated the battlefields of the Titanfall universe are now integral parts of the thrilling Apex experience.
Pathfinder and His Tribute to Bastion

 If you're a fan of Overwatch, you might have noticed a small homage within Apex Legends. The charming robot Pathfinder has an animation that pays tribute to Bastion, another charismatic automaton from the world of video games. This subtle reference is a friendly nod to players exploring the intersections between different franchises.